
I like the balance of criticism and praise point. I preach about all nature is balance and use examples like balance of rules vs freedom. more of one takes away from the other and vice versa. In the criticism and praise balance I would call the balance confidence where too much of one over the other causes a loss of stability or in this case confidence. Just ramblin'

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what does tending masons at a car wash entail? why not electrician work?

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please post the sentence you are referring to so I can know without guessing what you are talking about.

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I have worked as an electrician and agree on your general premise but not on your description of the problem. Zoning for example is based, like most endeavors, on some way to guide development but over time has become a racket run by insiders. Another example is inspectors who can be useful on maintaining quality but over time, as they become king of their kingdom can misuse their authority in ways that waste time just to prove who's boss. I agree with the idea of being backed into a corner but we were all warned about that. We were told that the Constitution is a framework or starting point and every so often people would have to revolt as insiders got a foot in the door and favors were given out. Jefferson said that should be done by every generation (20 years or so) before the buddy system entrenched to the extent that it could not be removed. We were also told it would only work for honest people which today is impossible to know with media (advertisers) controlling the news. The politicians, always handing out tax money or starting new programs use any excuse to do so. I know from experience the jobs are only as safe as the people working them are responsible in exercising safety. Look at how the medical industry is destroying their own business with the malpractice suits going through the ceiling because mommies little pride and joy bought an expensive education but never learned how to do a good job. I don't believe in appearances of prevention but what I was talking about in my comment is real prevention and oversight not an appearance or show of oversight and prevention so my useless relatives can get a high paying job. I value quality and expertise not dollars in the bank or popular associates or rich friends.

my 2 cents worth. Not too different than yours but probably different pet peeves.

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I post to see or meet or chat with someone that can understand what I say. I feel that the lack of connection with others has more to do with them suffering from arrested development because the word associations appear childish to me. This is not a criticism or fault finding but rather an observation. My tentative opinion is that always having an easy life means never really growing up. I base most of this on the fact that I had to learn responsibility at a young age whereas all my younger brothers, who actively resisted accepting responsibility, have value systems based more on what they can do for themselves than what they can do for others. This seems to leave them at a loss when unexpected things occur because their focus is more on how to appear to others not on how to be to others. The whole acting vs being is something I could probably write a book about. Do these ideas I just mention relate to any of your experiences?

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Balance in all things is a worthwhile goal.

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True leadership would be first setting the example for others to follow. This should have nothing to do with telling anyone what to believe or do. Tell me, do you live near Florida? I'd like to meet.

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Professionals are put down and brown noses are rewarded. I call it parasitic because it destroys production (the host) and rewards incompetence (unearned handouts). As George Carlin said "It's a club and you ain't in it". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nyvxt1svxso

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I also am enjoying this conversation. I hope it continues.

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